Certified GSC Experts

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Cheryl Westmoreland

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Tanisha Scott I have to say I was going back and forth about starting the program. I followed the group on FB but the appearance of the smoothies is what had me like "I'm NEVER drinking one of those". My mother would tell me, "it doesn't taste how it looks". I still wasn't for it. As months went on I started to see her dedication and transformation in front of my eyes. I was overly excited and proud of her but again that still wasn't enough for me to go thru with it. I woke up one morning aching to my core and was tired of doing the up and down dance to get into my pants. I called up my mother and told her "mom I'm ready to make some lifestyle changes I have had enough of feeling like this". She instantly went out got me the book and I read the whole thing entirely in one day. I went out that night and got me a blender and all the necessary tools to start this new journey. I was determined to change my lifestyle and feel energized after all I had a great role model so I knew I had it in the bag. I'm forever grateful for my mother introducing me to this new lifestyle but most importantly I'm grateful for her support. We support each other every step of the way. I can NEVER see myself going back to my old ways. I am loving my new lifestyle change and the NEW me.
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